6 WEEKS - $195

Class Starts- To Be Scheduled

Instructor: Cyndy Douan, MHDL

Just one more creative way to enjoy time with your dog!
Parkour for dogs isn’t only adventure and fun, it is a wonderful way to inspire confidence in your dog, help your active dog get more exercise, develop coordination, balance, & proprioception- and all while you are enjoying the outdoors- without needing to buy special dog agility equipment. We love introducing simple parkour with puppies to help them learn how to use their bodies, build their confidence, and to socialize them to new environments.
We’ll teach easy concepts like two paws on, under, over, in, through, around, left turns, right turns, walk on, stay on, back up, & balance.
If you are wanting to go farther with Parkour, many Advanced concepts are built off of the basics- you can even submit videos to the International Dog Parkour Association to earn title certificates! Come and join the fun!!